October 15th, 2021
by Josh Strelecki
by Josh Strelecki
“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:”
{1 Corinthians 2:6}
It pleased our Father to have all fulness dwell in Christ. Therefore, in Christ dwells the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Christ would bear and does bear in His body God’s fulness. Such thoughts communicate the intimacy between Father and Son. Wherefore, this pleasure of our Father benefits us when the Father made all that fulness, that is, Christ unto us wisdom, righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. Therefore, we not only learn in Christ what that fulness consists of, but to have such fulness dwell in us bodily to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ is God’s riches of glory to us.
The Father of glory good pleasure in Christ would make Christ the Lord of glory. Therefore, in Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Now there are some basic tenets to this glorious wisdom in Christ that help us in not being beguiled from it. In 1 Corinthians 2:6-7 Paul compares human wisdom to that of God’s to enlightening the eyes of the Corinthians understanding to steer clear of worldly wisdom and to have God’s wisdom find its pleasure within them. Two basic things does Paul bring up; that is, 1) there is a wisdom that proceeds from princes that are “of the world”, compared to the wisdom that proceeds from God that is not “of the world”, and 2) there is a wisdom that “comes to nought”, compared to the wisdom “ordained before the world to our glory”.
The wisdom of the world is therefore constrained, limited, restrained, bound, and confined in its constitution. Being “of the world” it is earthly, temporary, and fleshly. Yet, the wisdom of God is therefore free, unlimited, and abundant. Being “of God” it is heavenly, eternal, and spiritual.
Paul specifically points out the “end” of the world’s wisdom to that of God’s wisdom. Paul uses man’s faculties of comparison in the context of purpose and results to appeal to God’s wisdom. The Corinthians are so influenced by the immediate results of the wisdom of the world; that is, what the wisdom of the world comes to in this world that they cannot see anything beyond it. Yet, in view of the risen Lord Jesus Christ we have access to wisdom that is hidden to the world. In comparison the spiritual things of the world that result in temporary gain will “come to nought”, but the spiritual things of God may not result in temporary gain but are ordained “unro our glory”.
Paul speaks wisdom to unbelievers and more wisdom to believers. The Corinthians had benefitted from the wisdom of Christ crucified; yet, became entangled in the affairs of this life, the surfeiting of the world, and fleshly measurements. They began to settle for dust when glory was to their access. How foolish? Such foolishness led to their divisions that manifested their folly all the more. The Corinthians would be left with a choice, persist in this folly of adoration for vain glory, or repent and participate in the learning of Christ and the riches of glory, which is Christ in them, the hope of glory. Which do you choose? Do you really? Right now is, as it was with the Corinthians, time to “awake” and walk circumspectly, not as fools embracing perishing wisdom from perishing me, but as wise cleaving to God’s wisdom unto His and our glory. To God be the glory forever. Amen.
Look Up,
Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher
{1 Corinthians 2:6}
It pleased our Father to have all fulness dwell in Christ. Therefore, in Christ dwells the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Christ would bear and does bear in His body God’s fulness. Such thoughts communicate the intimacy between Father and Son. Wherefore, this pleasure of our Father benefits us when the Father made all that fulness, that is, Christ unto us wisdom, righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. Therefore, we not only learn in Christ what that fulness consists of, but to have such fulness dwell in us bodily to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ is God’s riches of glory to us.
The Father of glory good pleasure in Christ would make Christ the Lord of glory. Therefore, in Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Now there are some basic tenets to this glorious wisdom in Christ that help us in not being beguiled from it. In 1 Corinthians 2:6-7 Paul compares human wisdom to that of God’s to enlightening the eyes of the Corinthians understanding to steer clear of worldly wisdom and to have God’s wisdom find its pleasure within them. Two basic things does Paul bring up; that is, 1) there is a wisdom that proceeds from princes that are “of the world”, compared to the wisdom that proceeds from God that is not “of the world”, and 2) there is a wisdom that “comes to nought”, compared to the wisdom “ordained before the world to our glory”.
The wisdom of the world is therefore constrained, limited, restrained, bound, and confined in its constitution. Being “of the world” it is earthly, temporary, and fleshly. Yet, the wisdom of God is therefore free, unlimited, and abundant. Being “of God” it is heavenly, eternal, and spiritual.
Paul specifically points out the “end” of the world’s wisdom to that of God’s wisdom. Paul uses man’s faculties of comparison in the context of purpose and results to appeal to God’s wisdom. The Corinthians are so influenced by the immediate results of the wisdom of the world; that is, what the wisdom of the world comes to in this world that they cannot see anything beyond it. Yet, in view of the risen Lord Jesus Christ we have access to wisdom that is hidden to the world. In comparison the spiritual things of the world that result in temporary gain will “come to nought”, but the spiritual things of God may not result in temporary gain but are ordained “unro our glory”.
Paul speaks wisdom to unbelievers and more wisdom to believers. The Corinthians had benefitted from the wisdom of Christ crucified; yet, became entangled in the affairs of this life, the surfeiting of the world, and fleshly measurements. They began to settle for dust when glory was to their access. How foolish? Such foolishness led to their divisions that manifested their folly all the more. The Corinthians would be left with a choice, persist in this folly of adoration for vain glory, or repent and participate in the learning of Christ and the riches of glory, which is Christ in them, the hope of glory. Which do you choose? Do you really? Right now is, as it was with the Corinthians, time to “awake” and walk circumspectly, not as fools embracing perishing wisdom from perishing me, but as wise cleaving to God’s wisdom unto His and our glory. To God be the glory forever. Amen.
Look Up,
Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher
Josh Strelecki
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