Fellowship of The Ring | Marriage Group
Engage with audio lessons, the corresponding worksheets, information on other resources, and more!
When Do We Meet?
First Friday of each month (Dates include - 10/4, 11/1, 12/6 for 2024) and start @ 6:30 p.m.
Where Do We Meet?
At church in the Fellowship Hall
What Do We Do?
Expect a study on Marriage that is Bible-based.
Expect fellowship with other married's.
Expect a breakout session for wives and husbands (time to discuss study, go through questions, and encourage one another).
Expect questions to challenge you in your marriage and grow you and your spouse in Christ.This is where the description goes.
Expect fellowship with other married's.
Expect a breakout session for wives and husbands (time to discuss study, go through questions, and encourage one another).
Expect questions to challenge you in your marriage and grow you and your spouse in Christ.This is where the description goes.
Is There Child Care?
Yes and no. No planned child-care, but a room for the children to color, play board games, and in the future would could set up a Bible video.
Is There Food? Should I Bring Something?
No dinner, bring a desert to share if you can
Have Questions?
Email twincitiesgracefellowship@gmail.com with questions
TCGF Calendar
Sisters In Christ
Men's Bible Study
Church Meeting
Thursday Night Services
Sunday Services
Coached By Christ
Fellowship of The Ring
Biblical Leadership Course (BLC)