The Anatomy of The Body of Christ | Lesson 1
This sermon delves into the anatomy and purpose of the local church, drawing connections between its function and the larger body of Christ under the headship of Christ. Josh begins by grounding the discussion in God’s ultimate purpose: that He may be “all in all” (1 Corinthians 15:28). This divine plan is fulfilled through Christ, who all fullness dwells bodily (Colossians 1:19) and through His shed blood will reconcile all creation to Himself. Josh Strelecki, Pastor-Teacher emphasizes that the local church plays a vital role in this purpose by heralding the truth, fostering spiritual growth, edification, and unity among its members. True worship and service arise not from human traditions or appearances but from alignment with God’s Word and the renewing power of the Holy Spirit.
Josh issues a caution against vain worship, drawing from scriptural examples such as Israel’s missteps in Isaiah and Jeremiah. These passages illustrate how religious practices can lose their significance when disconnected from their divine purpose. In contrast, the local church is called to be a living, purposeful fellowship that reflects the word of truth and Christ's love. Through intentional growth in faith and understanding, believers are encouraged to live by the faith of the Son of God in every aspect of their lives.