Bible Survey

Travel through the Bible stopping at the high points to gain an understanding of what God has been doing. Learn from the past regarding God's future. 

Prophecy course

Prophecy 101

In Prophecy 101 (Lessons 1-18) learn what prophecy is and how it is generated because of who God is, learn a basic breakdown of "the beginning to the end", and finally examine the time "from Adam to Moses"

Prophecy 102

In Prophecy 102 (Lessons 1-17) learn about the time "from Moses to Jesus", including Moses, the Exodus, God's name, and the giving of the law with its' tutors and governors.

Prophecy 103

In Prophecy 103 (Lesson 1-) we continue in the time "from Moses to Jesus". We learn more about the law, its' courses of blessings and curses, Israel's failure, more covenants of promise, and God's timeline.